BusyBeavers.com recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy of all information provided by users of BusyBeavers.com.
BusyBeavers.com uses reasonable precautions to keep the personal information disclosed to us secure and to disclose such information only to responsible third parties after permission from the user.
BusyBeavers.com collects information about users during their registration for our newsletter and/or subscription and following contact via our contact form. When users request pages from our server, our Web server automatically collects some information about the users, including their IP addresses. These addresses are used by computers on the network to send the requested pages to users.
BusyBeavers.com does not reveal any personal information that users provide to us to any third party without their permission.
BusyBeavers.com may use cookies to help in tracking these patterns but does not store or collect any personal data in combination with user supplied information. Cookies are small text files that contain a string of alphanumeric characters. You can remove cookies by following directions provided in your Internet browser’s "help" file.